Friday 19 October 2012

It only takes a second.

Sometimes its difficult to work every job under the sun, just so that you can save to do the one job that makes you happy. This scenario has been my life for the past nearly four years. I have never wanted to work in a shop, stand behind a til and flog stupid items that hardly anyone has any interest in buying! I want to write as if that isn't obvious and I have tried my best to do what I have to, so that one day I can fulfil this dream. So many people have told me that I should find a career that is easy, a career that I can start tomorrow and still be slogging away at the same day I retire. You have to do stuff that makes you happy, and for me that is expressing everything I feel on pen to paper. I want my words to have the ability to change someones day, to give someone an opinion on something that until that moment they read it they had never thought even about it.

I want to travel the world and let people know the truth, so when they are tucking into their breakfasts whinging about their nine to five lives they stop take a second and think actually there are people out there who would kill to be sat where I am right now. I want to go to the most dangerous places in the world stick on a hard hat and go catch my story and today, I came that little bit closer.

In the new year I will be writing so much more for my local paper, getting away from standing behind that til a bit more and showing people that this is what I love, that writing is something that I am destined to do. I am going to have to continue to keep proving myself to everyone that I can to get to where I want to be but its a challenge I am more than happy to take on.

Here's to the future, its looking brighter.

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