Monday 1 October 2012

Do it your way.

Sometimes in life its the things that we were never expecting that suddenly mean so much to us. The things that at any other time we may have possibily over looked, in a desperate attempt to get to where we wanted to be but when we stop take a minute. look at our surroundings, these small bumps can make a massive impact on the everyday life we were plodding along with.

Welcome those moments that normally you would run away from screaming, don't dive back under that duvet and wait for a day where maybe you'll be brave enough. Life is too short for all of this waiting around. What may seem wrong to others may be the most perfect of things in your eyes.

What scares you the most is probably the thing that is most worth doing.
Laugh inappropriately.
Love passionately and with everything you've ever learnt about how to be a good person.
Cry buckets, rivers, oceans just make those tears worth it. MAKE THOSE PEOPLE WORTH IT!
Smile as if its going out of fashion.
Frown at those who deserve it, don't hold back being angry isn't a crime, murder however is!
Dance like an idiot just because you can, this in itself is a gift.
Be honest no lie will ever be worth it.
Try your best and if you fail something, who cares its your dream chase it tomorrow.
Eat whatever you want whenever you want its okay to be on your second bag of crisps at 2am.
Keep good and bad people around you, everyone needs that balance.
Work your butt off and earn those nice things yourself it will mean so much more.
Make mistakes being a robot is too boring!
Looks fade so keep your insides as good as you can one day that's what you'll have left.
Stare in the mirror if your happy that's all that matters.
Sing until your throat hurts, its loads of fun.
Do something CRAZY just to say "I did that"
Live every second of everyday your given some people aren't that lucky.
Have a guilty pleasure or five that's what makes us different.
Spend your money who knows what tomorrow brings.
Run anywhere.
Get a map and go some things don't need to be planned.
Best friends are rare look after them.
Mums are there no matter what so don't go abusing their love, there is nothing else like it.
Be you as difficult and scary as that may be sometimes to know you've stayed true is rewarding.
Find something anything that you can't live without and then make sure you never have to.
Heart break is crucial we all have to go through it and it will make you stronger.
Fall head over heels for someone even if it will never be anymore.
Take advice with you, carry it, use it, if you make a mistake that's your advice to pass on.
Drink way too much, fall over, act like an idiot we are all young no matter what our passports say.
Secrets are important, important to keep.
Go to sleep every night wanting to do it all again.
Play your music at the loudest volume and then go crazy GO ON GO FOR IT!!!
Like what you like no pressures.
Environments change, keep your head your own.

Live life. Do it your way.

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