Sunday 20 May 2012

Such is Life.

Listen, we might all learn something.


My brother came and spoke to me, he looked as if he carried troubles beyond his years on his shoulders. He sat down on one of our ever dusty wooden chairs and began to tell me his worries for the future. As he spoke it allowed me to take some time out of the ever busy hustle and bustle of life and think how quickly the time has gone since I was having the same thoughts as him as a troubled sixteen year old about to face the next stage of life.

         I feel as humans we are constantly changing, and through this searching for some form of acceptance and satisfaction. When I was sixteen I was excited about heading off to college and tackling new challenges of course there were the everyday problems then too but somehow now they seem more prominent. For instance how many people look down upon the younger generation? Assuming that we are all hoody wearing, no good, thugs or thieves. Is this why there are hardly any jobs for young people? Is this the reason for such high unemployment?
         As he expressed his feelings on not going to college and sitting his A-Levels I couldn't help but feel sad. These days it is all about money the pressures to earn and have it and then the plans of what to do with it as we all know it doesn't get you very far these days. As he sat and discussed the type of car he wanted to own and the house he wanted to live in, the holidays he wanted to jet off to and the expensive wardrobe filled with designer names I could hardly pronounce in, I sat and listened and with all of these thoughts zooming around my head, I just sat, opposite him on a matching wooden dusty chair and I listened, maybe if the rest of the world did the same despite having their own opinions screaming away at them, assumptions and consequences like the ones I mentioned perhaps wouldn't be so plentiful!

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