Sunday 20 May 2012

Carmarthen Journal - My Reviews

A Midsummer Nights Dream

Those of you who have been to see a performance by The Coracle Theatre Project know that they take theatre and interpret it in their own individual style. This was very much the case when they tackled the classic A Midsummer Night's Dream. With such a perfect setting as Kidwelly Castle I was expecting a performance that wouldn't disappoint however sadly this time around I wasn't as impressed as I normally am. The cast worked as hard as always and despite the freezing and wet weather conditions they carried through with the performance, to an interested however slightly distracted audience due to the simple fact that it was so incredibly cold and people were constantly moving about throughout it which took away from the show. There was a use of contemporary stylised movements throughout which added something a bit different to the otherwise same and well known play by Shakespeare. From where I was stood it was difficult to hear what was being said most of the time, however the use of audience interaction from the cast made you feel as if you were a part of what was going on and this was a good use of a modern inclusion by director Bryony Evett-Hackford whose creativity in theatre never goes a miss. The cast are a close group and this is paramount in all of their performances as they rely so much so on each other to carry off such performances and the vision that both the director and cast had was clear from the opening scene. Even though the weather was anything but bright the cast managed to put a smile on most of the audience's faces as they added their own bit of comedic value to the old script. I applaud everyone involved for once again proving that The course of true love never did run smooth, and that no matter what happens on the day 'The show must go on'.

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