Monday 21 May 2012

How deep is your love?

How deep is your love?

A song can change everything from the second you hear it.

I was sat in work, when How deep is your love started playing in the background. I ran to turn it up as that song holds so much meaning to me.
      On a long drive to see my Auntie who lived in Plymouth at the time my grandmother and I had the Love Album on during the whole journey there and back home. By the time we arrived back we did anything but love this album! How deep is your love was one of the tracks that I always remember singing along too, along with a bit of Phil Collins and Spandeau Ballet! Even writing this I can still hear my grandmother and I belting out the chorus and taking it in turns to repeat the backing title, in God only knows what tune!
       A song can change your mood in an instant and before now there was a time where in the last five years since my grandmother's death I would have done anything possible to drown out certain memories, however now I rush to turn them up! I rush to the DKNY section in Debenhams some days to spray myself in the perfume she used to wear, and I purposefully pick up old postcards she had written to me and compare our handwriting. Who knew that a song which made me smile all of the years ago would still provoke the same emotion today, as I hum along still painfully out of tune, intentionally missing out certain parts as if she were with me happily filling those bits in.
      Isn't it funny how time can make you forget certain things, yet always allow you to remember the bits that really count!

1 comment:

    Rest in Peace Robin Gibb
