Monday 11 June 2012

When the turning of a page, changes your day.

Megan - Leigh Peat.

There is always that moment when you turn the page of a newspaper and it changes your whole day! As an aspiring journalist I always have my head in a newspaper but today whilst reading this article in the Metro, I didn't envy not having the opportunity to find this story!

What kind of world do we honestly live in? A fifteen year old stabbed to death at a house party at the end of a schools half term. The suspect at the moment appears to be her on, off  boyfriend of ten months. It makes my heart ache that this happens. Such a loss of life to a girl who hoped to be a midwife in her later years. From the facebook pages and feeds on twitter she was a much loved individual who had so much to give to her friends, family and everyone who knew her.

Words are lost, when something like this happens. I have so much that I want to say, so much anger and pain to vent out and I didn't even have the pleasure of ever knowing such a beautiful person and I am still in complete shock that somebody could ever do such a thing. As I mentioned earlier being an aspiring journalist and writing for my local paper, there are far too often stories that hit you hard in the chest but the sadness and severity of this one in particular has stayed with me all day. If it was her boyfriend then she trusted him, she loved him and how can somebody use that against someone they "Supposedly" are deeply in love with. I don't understand how tragedies like these even happen.

A house party in a quiet neighbourhood, surrounded by friends and people you know, having a good time with those who you trust and then this at the end of it all! My heart goes out to her family as this is incomprehensible as much as I try to empathise I am so lucky that I have never had to experience loss of this kind due to its unforgivable circumstances.
 What happened to the days that everyone could walk out of their front door without looking over their shoulder?
What happened to the days that everyone could go out with one another and have a good time, come home safely?
What happened to the days when stuff like this didn't happen?
Megan - Leigh Peat, didn't deserve the end she was so brutally given, at fifteen a whole life ahead of her, a life full of adventure and new experiences, cut short by some horrendous individual.
My heart is honestly with everyone who knew her.

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