Wednesday 27 June 2012

To be inspired


I am the type of person who can take the biggest inspiration from the smallest of things. If I had to choose one characteristic I liked the most about myself this would have to be one of them. Life is so short, too short at the best of times and for some people that short amount of time is wasted. The time wasters use all amounts of excuses such as: There is no point in trying, I will never get it, He/She likes He/She more than me, I can't be bothered I don't feel like it anymore or what is the point in doing something to better myself it will never work this is my life. All of these one liners, or few whine like sentences I have heard so many times. We all need that little bit of extra faith in ourselves, I have a dream, the most enormous dream, one that often gets me laughed at, but its mine, its special to me and its the reason I have this fight within me. We are living in some incredibly tough times at the moment with no sign of what the future may possibly hold for any of us, but wouldn't you rather have something to keep you going? Don't you want to find something worth waking up every morning for? I cannot create miracles and if I could I certainly wouldn't be tucked up in my single bed in South Wales right now, but inside I am ready to escape and create the life I know I want. Surely we can all do this. LETS MAKE EVERYDAY COUNT STARTING FROM WHEN WE ALL WAKE UP.

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