Thursday 14 June 2012


Meet Emma.

Emma (Left) Myself (Right)
Life can often be lonely if you don't surround yourself with good, honest people. I have always been lucky, I have an amazing family and am so close to my mum, a brilliant boyfriend and a best friend that I could not go a day without being around.

I met Emma in secondary school. That was a scary experience going from a girl dominated privately educated primary school to in my eyes an enormous state secondary where I didn't know a single person to say I was a fish out of water is an understatement! The first thing I remember saying to her was when I jumped onto the school bus home she turned to me and said,
"You live in .......... then" my reply in this new found dog eat anything world was,
"Uh obviously I'm on this bus aren't I?"
From that moment on I can't pretend that I knew we would be friends forever as my main daily focus was to not get thrown down another bank or put in a wheelie bin! Em only lived two streets down from my house and after school we would go round our other friend's homes and play Pop Idol on the playstation and as we got older, sip cosmopolitans and throw chicken fillets around finding it hilarious. A normal sleepover to us was way too much food and a good old sleeping bag race, as we both resembled two caterpillars at the best of times this was a game we thoroughly enjoyed. Our friendship grew as we as people did and now we are inseparable. I have lost count of the amount of strangers who ask if we are sisters or the ones that just immediately assume we are! Nowadays however our idea of a good night has changed somewhat, it still always includes our love of most things edible, but now we wash it down with far too many alchoholic beverages and then stumble around a bit, long gone are the days of a quiet night of Pop Idol!
         We have recently booked a holiday together to Turkey and we cannot wait, its a chance to make some new memories together and get some sun on these cheeks of ours! In all seriousness I am so lucky to have someone as truly beautiful as Em in my life, we do nearly everything together and we know everything there is to know about each other, we find the same things hilarious and any silence is usually filled with us in hysterics, we burst into song at the exact same moment, and have together created the best new dance moves ever to be seen on a Saturday night! I don't know anyone else who has as much fun as I do driving through busy streets shouting the names out at random people we have never met before!
         Through Em I have gained another family, and I always have an excuse to go and stuff my face anytime of the day, she is one of a kind and by saying something stupid cheers me up in an instant, through my pants week, she turns up with the brand new dress I have had my eye on! If that's not impressive I am not sure what is. Nine years on we are only getting more and more closer and there is definitely no sign of us drifting apart anytime soon that is not before Turkey anyway (joke). It is true what people say without friends we don't have much, and by just having Em in my life I have a lot.

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