Monday 11 June 2012

Do one thing everyday that makes you proud!

Race for life

They say that as people to lead a healthy lifestyle we are meant to do one thing everyday that scares us. Sunday 10th June I participated in the Race for Life to raise money and awareness for those who have loved, lost and fought cancer. As I arrived with my mum and friend for life Em in tow it was clear that today was going to be a very special one at that. I looked out onto this sea of pink, all women joined together, not bitching about the girl who is that bit skinnier than us, or whinging about our partners and their lack of help in anything and everything we do. No today we joined together to show our solidarity and passion for a cause that had affected all of us in some way or another.
      Armed in our pink race for life t-shirts, fancy dress costumes which included three runners in wedding dresses, and elaborate wigs we set off. All of us with one goal in mind, to make those who we were doing this for proud, wherever they may now be! It was perhaps one of the most emotional days of my life, with children as young as five rushing around, the notes on the back of their t-shirts written in their finest handwriting with things such as "To my granny" or "To my grandpa" "Auntie Mary" or others such as "I race for everyone" "I race for a cure" "I race for my mum", as all of these memories ran around you couldn't help but get caught up in the moment.
     I felt so incredibly proud to be around such amazing people that took a day out to do something that mattered! To take time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life to say "This matters to me" its times and days like these which come too far and few between. I for one did it for my great grandmother (Dee,dee) and for my close friend who was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma and fought the disease with more bravery than I ever could have, thankfully she is still here today and is in herself such an inspiration to simply live everyday. At the ripe old age of twenty you often think your invincible however its times like these that prove we are mere humans! Its a day like the 10th June that proves the more we do as mere humans, the luckier one day we will hopefully all be.

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