Monday 18 February 2013

You told me about your past thinking your future was me.

Here we are again in the middle of the night, I remember it all too well.

"So casually cruel in the name of being honest" - Taylor Swift.

They say that love finds you in the most unlikely places. That's what happened with me. I was lost in every way that a person could be until an ordinary customer who has an extraordinary ability to make me smile changed eveything I believed in. Its hard to love someone, really, honestly love someone because the what ifs suddenly become the most powerful two words in any kind of dictionary. You worry about little things that hadn't previously crossed your mind and you live a life that is completely controlled by someone else's emotions. If they are happy your both on top of this world, but if they are down then you may as well crawl back under that duvet of yours and hide.

My boyfriend is leaving, maybe, hopefully. To follow his dreams and become the best PE teacher possible. Where he is going doesn't matter, nor does the distance even if some days he might as well live on the moon. What does matter is that we are going to do this, we will squash the 'long distance relationship' rumours and make it work. Why? Because some things in life are worth the bare knuckle fight of it all. They are worth the aches from holding on so tightly.

He was that person that came into my life and saved me from everything. That statement alone proves why distance should never matter, my heart stays in my chest and that's where he shall be.

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