Monday 18 February 2013

Keep your head up, keep your heart strong.

No matter what we set out to do when we leave our homes there will always be obstacles in our way. Some days these may as well be mountains making it impossible to carry on our pathway. So what should we do? I am not superhuman despite wishing I was every day, this means I don't always look at things positively I do not have the ability to think of myself as anything but your everyday average human being. I don't want to have to climb over everything to do the most simplest of things. So instead I look at the bigger picture. I have to push my way through these things be them big or small if I am ever going to get to where I am so determined too. I am a waitress. It's a good enough job, I work with good people (the majority that is) and the pay is horrendous but life shouldn't be measured on this. I am a waitress because it funds my one dream of becoming a successful journalist and later in life a well loved writer.

This means that even on the days when I simply want to go around these things, that superhuman ability that I haven't got comes over me and allows me to go forward knowing you have to go through these days if your ever going to appreciate the ones to come.

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