Tuesday 25 September 2012

We accept the love we think we deserve.

Why do we pick people that treat us like nothing? (the perks of being a wallflower stephen chobsky)
There is one saying that I have heard my mum tell me a million and one times and its this one "We accept the love we think we deserve" I never really understood what this truly meant because surely if you love someone whole heartedly then that's what you should have in return. This isn't always the case and only recently have I understood what my mum has been trying to tell me all along.

We all have demons, pesky skeletons in those closets of ours that no matter how many times we try we can't seem to get them to leave. We carry feelings and doubts and bad memories that people have given us along the way and add these to any future relationships we go on to create. If someone was to call you "ugly" everyday for the rest of your life at first you may be taken a back and upset by it, but the next time they say it you'll be half expecting it I mean they have already said it once, and then the times after that it will become as normal as saying hello to someone in the street. We as people seem to believe all of the bad, the negative comments that we have had thrown at us over the years and carry them like the heaviest rucksack known to man! I think this comes hand in hand with the above statement. If someone truly cares about us we will have that amazing, cannot live without you  kind of love and if they don't we simply learn to accept and be grateful for anything we are given be it positive or negative. Its hard to walk away from something you have nurtured and cared for for so long but sometimes you have to go I can't I have to learn how to love myself a little bit first and when you do move forward throw away that rucksack that you have carried with you for far too long and truly accept the love that you do deserve and let it be as perfect as you had always hoped it to be.

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