Friday 7 December 2012

We only get one life, but if we do it right once is enough!

So I fight for it, and I fight for it...........And I don't let it go.

When we are growing up we are told a thousand stories; the man that saved the world and his princess, the family of superhero's that lived next door, the boogieman hunters and monster slayers, the crime fighters, the princess's with beautifully long hair, the children with talking pets. We were told a million and one elaborate tales and from these we made our own dreams.

Whilst everyone around me lived in what they believed to be a real life fairytale where one day a prince charming would come and sweep them off their feet, chasing a dragon or two in the process I was living in my world and knew from the get go I didn't want to be in a fairytale I wanted to write one!

Finding something that makes you truthfully hand on your heart happy is rare. We are restricted to do jobs that we hate just to make enough money to do the things in life we enjoy. I have three jobs and only one of them makes me truly happy the others are a simple means to an end. Bus fares and the odd snack. I wake up everyday to stand in a place that doesn't make a difference and sell things that only create momentary happiness. I know I want to create something that is immortal, timeless.

So I fight for it, and I fight for it....................And I don't let it go.

I chase it until there is no speed left in these tired legs of mine and no hot air left for my lungs to breathe. I dream of being sat on the tallest building in New York in the middle of the night, being nothing in comparison to the rest of the world, yet being so much to the people that truly love me and to myself. I dream of being in a busy street trying to get my bit of the story. I dream of changing someones day because of the words I choose to use. I dream of saying,
"I did that"

So I fight for it, and I fight for it.......................And today I became that little bit closer, and I'm not letting it go.

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