Sunday 5 January 2014


Its Rare that I write about things that aren't really existing in this mind of mine however as its a new year, I thought this year I would add a bit of everything and some diversity to this blog of mine. A good friend of mine Stewart Wallace who could easily be described as a quadruple threat has finally popped his designer hat on and started Cartica his fantastic designs for all of those of you who love shoes almost as much as I do. As well as this the incredibly talented Welshman destined for bright lights and city fame is a pretty darn talented singer songwriter, just to spoil you lot here is one of my favorite tracks to date Beautiful Day.

Check it out,

When it comes to the wonderful Stewart all that needs to be said is this is just the beginning and watch this very shiny space!

Bright Lights, Big City.

We see eye to eye and heart to heart. Happy 2014.

Here we go we have entered into a whole new year. Expectations are high, memories are made, and the headaches of over indulging over Christmas are fading thankfully. Its a time where we set ourselves goals to which we try to accomplish for at least the first week or so, its a time  where we turn over those new leaves and start to write neatly on the crisp new pages of a shiny book for all its worth.

Its the one night of the year that we put so much focus on all our failures of days gone by, and very little emphasis on the times that made our hearts do that little jiggly thing, you know the one when your not sure if your going to be sick, faint, cry or smile, or all at the same time if this were even possible.

Its a night where we gather with people we love, or strangers in a bar just because its nice to be unknown sometimes, we either sit alone and reminisce being thankful that we have made it once again, or we get by missing those who no longer make our years that little bit more special.

Its that time where if our eyes still work in the way we need them to, we gather around and watch the fireworks fill the sky either through the safety and warmth of the television or outside wrapped up close to someone who's name you can hopefully remember and hope that with all of those bangs and beautiful colours that the future will be a little bit brighter or continue to be so.

As we enter into the first few days of the new year, the difference between determination and drunken promises and mind sets are shown. We are always so eager to make a change in ourselves, yet if its so desperately needed why to we wait and keep it safe for one day of the year, when we blow the dust of it and give it a go.

I could sit here, type furiously and explain everything I would like to do, the places I would love to see, the languages I would love to learn, the people I so desperately would like to meet, the promotions in work I feel I deserve and how I will try to get them, but I guess I would rather go out there give it a bash and see where I end up come the end of the month, one can hope it may all go rather swimmingly.

All there really is to say is the infamous Happy New Year guys, be the person you know you are not the one your so desperate to change when the glass in that mirror of yours gets involved. Love everyone as best as you can, because lets face it hating people should be so last year, and the one before that, and that and so on. Work hard because it pays for you to have the stuff you want in those glossy magazines. Do anything and everything you love just because you can and you will. Appreciate everyday even the shit ones, they make the amazing ones so much better as its good to have a comparison. Most of all smile, its easy, fun and proven to give you less wrinkles.

Happy 2014.